I did some research about vertigo because it really interests me from this i am going to look at images of sky scarper. Here's what i found:
Vertigo is the sensation that you or the environment around you is moving or spinning. It is commonly caused by a problem with the balance mechanisms within the inner ear.
If you have vertigo, you may experience the sensation of movement even when you are standing completely still.
Vertigo is not a fear of heights
Vertigo is often confused with a fear of heights. However, the dizzy feeling that is often experienced when looking down from a high place is not the same as vertigo, which can occur at any time and may last for many months or even years.
Mild vertigo is very common, and the symptoms are not usually serious. However, vertigo that reoccurs or persists may be caused by an underlying health condition, such as Ménière's disease (a rare disorder that affects the inner ear).
Posted by: Millie
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